COVID-19 Affects School Bus Systems
There have been many challenges amidst the everchanging COVID-19 pandemic. Changes have been made in hopes to keep everyone safe and healthy; however, has every change been for the better? Such a question sparks controversy. All things considered, masks and social distancing seem to be less of a problem than the district’s recent lack of transportation staff.
As teachers and staff become bus drivers, routes are now up to an hour and a half long (some buses have double routes). As with students, bus drivers must be quarantined (if they are at risk of infection) with no one to step in for them. In order to keep everyone as safe as possible, buses and their drivers have taken up double routes to keep students from having to stand in the aisle due to overcrowding. These issues are common knowledge. What may be less known is how all these changes have personally impacted the drivers. Do they have any hesitations about returning to school? Do the drivers feel as though their safety is being taken seriously?
When asked these questions, Mrs. Morgan from East Elementary responded that the biggest challenge for her is the inability to be close to her students due to safety precautions. She states, “I love to see students’ faces so I can see their smiles, which brightens up my day and makes me smile.” Morgan further comments,” their sad faces so you know when they are having a bad day and might need cheering up; their mad faces so you know when they may just need to sit by themselves and be away from others.”
Mrs. Morgan hopes to return to some form of normalcy. She knows everyone is trying their best, which gives her the strength to return for a new school year despite the problems 2021-22 may bring. Knowing how long and complicated the bus routes are-and how difficult it would be to try to protect her students from unforeseen circumstances-Morgan remains confident in her fellow staff and administrators' abilities.
Mrs. Morgan is not alone. Some teachers have taken on this task. Now, suddenly having two jobs, the first thing many realize is this is the result of the lack of preparedness in a much unprecedented situation. The school day is long and spent teaching with few and far between moments of time to yourself. The free afternoon kick back is instead spent in perennial thoughts of work. One who has been given this task is Mr. Hargrove. When asked how it has affected him, Hargrove gave a description of high stress and constant focus.
COVID has no limits to who and what it can affect. Although challenging, they’ve all adapted to the best of their ability and will continue to do so. Something people can't lose is their hope in others. That is what will keep them together and strong.