CCHS Robotics
This past weekend the three Calloway County High School FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics Teams competed at the Kentucky State Championship for FIRST Tech Challenge. It has been a fun and exciting season while the weekend had highs and lows. All teams get five qualification matches in hopes to be in the top four performing robots. The top four teams then pick alliance partners for a double elimination tournament. Two of our teams finished deep in the field, ranked 20th and 21st after some setbacks. However, one of our teams finished ranked 7th and was the first-round draft pick by the #4 ranked team.
Team #18865 which include Bryson Barger, Miles Edwards, Jack Williams, Tyler Lilly and Morgan Armstrong make up that team. Unfornaturely their alliance had to take on the number one ranked alliance and were eliminated in the opening two round of matches. If you see any of the students listed below who attended, please congratulate them on what was a good season. It may not show it in our rankings, but we had a really good season.
Additionally, I nominated two CCHS students for the Dean's List. The Dean's List is an honor named after the FIRST founder Dean Kamen. All attending teams have the option to nominate students and this list of student semifinalist are interviewed by judges over the phone prior to the event. Two student applications are selected (finalist) to represent Kentucky at the World Championship in Houston Texas. CCHS Student Dakota Elkins was one of the two Dean's List nominie's selected to represent Kentucky in Houston. This is the third consecutive year a CCHS student has been selected for this honor.
We will have an open house later in the school year to demonstrate the robots for everyone to see.
CCHS Robotics TEAM members who attended:
TEAM 22502: Dakota Elkins, Time Neste, and Matt Williams
TEAM 18865: Bryson Barger, Miles Edwards, Jack Williams, Tyler Lilly, and Morgan Armstrong
TEAM 14727: Caleb Darnell, Amelia Slaton, Benjamin poor, Taylor Frantz, and Aary Patel