Bass Fishing Team

Bass fishing team, April 2021

One of the more unique sports to participate in at Calloway County High School is the bass fishing team. In order to tell the many aspects about competing for a bass fishing team, I soon realized I would first have to know a little bit more about it. When asked to write this article, I drew a blank. I’ve been fishing a few times in my life, but never like this team does. My fishing time consists of catching a few guppies with friends, getting bored because we can’t catch anything and trying to go find something else to do. Yes, I’ve read “Fishing for Dummies” and it does no good. (I still don’t know why you must use different hooks for different fish.) Fortunately, the members of the CCHS bass team learn as much as they can and practice constantly.   

The bass fishing team is made up of a boat captain, an angler, and a co-angler. This year, Calloway has 10 teams fishing for the season. These teams will fish in the fall and then again in the spring after the beginning of the year. Coach Allen Jones has lofty goals for the 2021-22 team. “We are building a team concept along with family.” Additionally, Coach Jones is excited about having several female anglers this season.  

Many do not realize the opportunities fishing provides. For example, Cody Mason, senior, has started his own bowfishing team. His team, called “Not Daddy’s Money,” began with an idea Mason and one of his buddies had. They bought the boat and made a team to start going to tournaments. Mason, his friend, his dad, and his uncle all help control the local carp population through their teams efforts. Mason says, “My favorite part about bow fishing is the thrill you get when you shoot those 40+ pound fish.”  

After learning about this team and what they do all season,  I realize why these students love to fish, and why and they go fishing as much as they possibly can. Go ahead and “catch” a spot to watch their next tournament, you won’t want to miss it.  

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Mia Miles

Sports Editor


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