Red Ribbon Week

During the week of October 23-27, Calloway County High School (CCHS) participated in a door decorating contest for Red Ribbon Week. According to, “Red Ribbon Week highlights the importance of living a drug-free life.” CCHS brought forth awareness to Red Ribbon Week in a multitude of ways. This included playing a question game with students. The principal asked a question related to statistics revolving drug-use, and if a student could answer the question correctly, that student won a prize. CCHS also participated in Red Ribbon Week by having a spirit week, as well as having a door decorating contest, as previously mentioned.  

The door decorating contest for Red Ribbon Week was put on by school staff, Lisa Hays and Jessica Gardener, with our school resource center.  This contest consists of each classroom decorating their doors during the CCR period of the day. The requirements included a Halloween themed door with something pertaining to drug awareness, drug prevention, and/or positive peer pressure. These doors will be judged by local fireman and policemen at the end of the week.  

Examples of doors included a door with the IT clown on it saying, “drugs are not it” and a door with a HOCUS POCUS theme saying, “Drugs are not our focus”.  

The door decorating contest was a great, fun way to incorporate students and staff, all while sending an important message to everyone throughout the school.  


Jasmine Zetterberg

Jasmine is a sophomore at CCHS. She is involved in multiple clubs, FBLA being one of them. Where she placed first, at state, at their previous state conference, and she is also an officer. Outside of school, Jasmine enjoys spending time with her friends and listening to music. Jasmine plans to peruse a career in business or law.


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