Upon walking into an airport, one may expect to see metal detectors. However, students may not expect to see them in schools. This raises the question for many, “Why are metal detectors at my school?”  

Assistant Principal Mr. Butler commented on the presence of the new metal detectors, stating, "The goal is to not only make students safe, but to also make them feel safe.” According to sophomore Jasmine Zetterberg, “I feel more secure and safe in school, knowing higher security measures are in place.” 

To many, it is comforting to know these detectors can be set to find almost anything, down to the smallest piece of metal. This also raises the question, “If they can detect almost anything, why are they not set to do this?” Mr. Butler answered, “If they caught every piece of metal, it would move very slowly.”  

These detectors can catch everything down to necklaces and keys. If everyone had to stop, things would move even slower than they did the first day they were installed. On November 1, the first day of metal detectors, students were lined up and down the steps behind the gym.  

For now, many students, including myself, are likely wondering, “Why did we get these detectors?” Mr. Butler responded saying, “They fit our specific needs such as: being portable, having changeable and specific settings, and being adjustable.” These detectors can be set to do lots of things to keep our schools safe and are in place to do just that. 

Hopefully the metal detectors will be worth the money and frustration. For now, only time will tell.  


Auxiliary Gym Nearing Completion


Bats, Bats, and More Bats