Bats, Bats, and More Bats
This picture features teacher Damien Loveless talking to his students while setting up for a bat experiment.
On August 18, Mr. Loveless hosted an after-school field trip that included 25 CCHS students. This trip was taken to the forest at Land Between the Lakes. The opportunity to take this trip was given by Mr. Loveless’s college professor, Dr. Derting. Mr. Loveless made the decision that this trip was beneficial because, “Kids need to be able to what a biologist does, rather than just hearing about it.” From a participant in this trip, Isabella Rodriguez, “This trip was really fun, we caught 15 different bats and 2 different species of bats.” She also said, "This trip gave me an opportunity to connect with other members of the school.” It was good for students to be able to go out into the real world and see people doing jobs they may potentially want to do. The students have not been able to get much field trip experience due to Covid, so it was a positive change for them to be able to do something like this again.