Academic Team Competes in Presidents Cup

The Calloway County High School Academic Team competed at the WKAA President's Cup tournament on Friday, January 12, 2024 against twelve teams from across the region. The Lakers took 2nd (Calloway A) and 4th (Calloway B) place overall. The tournament combined points from Quick Recall team events and individual content testing to determine the overall winners.

In Quick Recall, Calloway B took 2nd place , an impressive feat for such a young team. Led by Maya Munoz, Sean Williams, Tommy Gomez and Aiden Hooper, with assistance from Max Chapman, Sam Houston, Mariana Hughes, and Riley Hudson, the Lakers defeated Mayfield A, Paducah Tilghman, Marshall County, and Murray A, taking their only losses to McCracken A.  Calloway A took 5th place in Quick Recall, defeating Graves County, Paducah Tilghman, Murray B, and Mayfield B, taking losses only to Murray A.  Calloway A team was led by Nathaniel Fowler, Aubrey Naber, Amber Wu, Connor Pile and assisted by Addi Pervine, Kaylee Tharp, Ezra Foote, Levi Dunnaway, and Jack Williams.  

Individual Lakers also excelled in Content Assessment, earning multiple awards.

Arts and Humanities:

2nd Connor Pile

4th Nathaniel Fowler

5th Maya Munoz

7th Addi Pervine

Language Arts:

3rd Aubrey Naber

4th Kaylee Tharp


1st Amber Wu

7th Elizabeth Lanier


2nd Connor Pile

5th Elizabeth Lanier

6th Aiden Hooper

8th Sam Houston

Social Studies:

3rd Nathaniel Fowler

7th Ezra Foote

9th Grant Todd

Back L to R

Row 5: Sean Williams, Sam Houston

Row 4: Riley Hudson, Connor Pile, Tommy Gomez

Row 3: Aiden Hooper, Ezra Foote, Levi Dunnaway, Nathaniel Fowler, Max Chapman, jack Williams

Row 2: Aubrey Naber, Mariana Hughes, Amber Wu

Row 1: Kaylee Tharp, Maya Munoz, Elizabeth Lanier, Addi Pervine

The Lakers are coached by Erica Gray, Lane Springer, Dan Thompson, Margaret Richter, Jayden Morris and Cassidy McAllister. 


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FBLA Princess & Superhero